נעם מלוטם

אענה לך בהקדם האפשרי

03:14 AM

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HR TechWave

Navigating HR Trends for Work Plans 2024




Zoom Webinar

About the webinar

We are thrilled to invite you to HR-TechWave 2024, a webinar focused on "Navigating HR Trends for Work Plans 2024" Hosted by Lotem.

Join us and gain valuable insights on how to navigate today's key challenges and HR trends within the dynamic Israeli hi-tech sector


Tal Koren | | Head of Global Division, Lotem


Tal Koren


| Head of Global Division, Lotem

Welcome and Overview

Ofir Czerniak | | Head of Data Driven Consultation Section, Lotem

Part 1

Ofir Czerniak


| Head of Data Driven Consultation Section, Lotem

Unveiling HR Trends in the Hi-Tech Industry


Ofir will present data-driven insights we've collected, locally and globally, into the HR trends shaping the Israeli hi-tech industry for 2024.

Tal Koren | | Head of Global Division, Lotem

Part 2

Tal Koren


| Head of Global Division, Lotem

Contemporary implications for HR Work Plans in 2024

Tal will Explore how HR trends revolutionizing different fields of HR and will also delve into the practical implications of these trends on HR work plans within hi-tech companies.




Engage with our experts and get your queries answered.


Closing Remarks


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